Here you can look at vintage cars, motorcycles, military equipment, and baby carriages. By the way, it will be interesting not only for car lovers but also for those who want to take cool photos. Of course, you won’t be allowed to jump into the cars or take pictures on the hood. But you can stand next to the exhibits. And there is also a blue convertible at the entrance, which you can climb into and pretend to be an actress or an actor in some cool movie from the last century.

The exhibition has been held for the eighth year in a row and gathers more than 5000 fans of auto and motorcycle equipment. Traditionally, we gather for you the best cars from all over the country. You will see more than 400 units of auto and motorcycle equipment of the last century.

Cars from private collections, which were hidden behind the walls of garages, come out once a year to the best events.

A grand show awaits you:

  • changing wheels at speed;
  • figure driving on a motorcycle;
  • foam washing;
  • drag racing without using a motor (only legs);
  • drawing of a retro Cossack.